music & life blog
This blog is where I share about songs I’ve released or process publicly aspects of life.

Doing What I Want Instead of What I Want
Coming to grips with what part of me should be the main decision maker for what I do & who I am.

Pastime // A Prophet is no Prophet in their Own Mind
A little more about the first song I’m releasing.

A Forced Midlife Crisis & Another Punch Thrown
I’ve been writing & recording music for more than half of my life. It’s probably not any good, but I’m feeling compelled to take some risks & share it with the world.

The Start of a Saga: 20 Years Later
20 years ago today, a saga began: I saw my wife for the first time.

Thoughts on Equity, Equality & Justice pt 2
What will be different for my kids’ future if they don’t experience the same level of privilege & opportunity that I had?

Unity vs Restoration
The call to unity can often feel vague & passive if we don’t include the work of restoration.

Thoughts on Equity, Equality & Justice pt 1
A few thoughts on my role in the search for equity, equality & justice.